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基本上,要優質文章先可以enrich到我地嘅閱讀能力。優質並不是指文章愈長愈好,而是你真係學到野嘅文章。我地覺得CNN、BBC,UK guardian的好多文章/報導都能夠達到呢個目的,但唔係篇篇都適合lower intermediate至average的同學,所以我地部分嘅教材入面adapt自報章的article都修訂過好多次。大家若果都要用文章的話都要好似我地咁列明出處喔。

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同學響application方面將固有知識連結唔到,絕對唔係一朝一夕的事。好多grammar exercise都好機械式,你改少少野就完成到,都唔駛多稔的exercise真係出事的。因為咁只要題目出少少變化,就會有一堆人無從入手。我地建議大家就算買reference book自修都最好買有混合式題目的exercise,當然要學返好,合適當時用咩野,就要tailor-made的教材喔。

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以前學校學過D grammar同我割晒蓆,用唔返?

Well there're a number of reasons for that:( Many people will try reading newspaper but it can be quite challenging as written and spoken languages are two different concepts. Usually we will be hindered by lengthy sentences with complex clauses, and thererfore we do recommend starting from something simple. Of course, NOT as simple as 'I GO TO SCHOOL BY BUS'. 

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i suck in speaking. What to do with that?

Part A? 定Part B extented task先? 其實Part A我地有獨家訓練,好多同學仔試左我地嘅training後,返學校做頭幾個task真係食生菜咁易。Listening有三樣野好重要: 速度,串字及對context的理解。其實Part B都要求呢幾樣野,但當然需要更進一步學習specific skills啦。

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Listening paper完全是個disaster,點算?
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